Natural Nuts

Although we've saved you the job, nuts are supposed to take a lot of energy to crack! That's why there's such powerful nutrition inside them


High in fibre, protein and unsaturated fats but low in carbohydrates

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Popular for decorating cakes, fantastic when lightly roasted.

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Great when lightly toasted and added to salads for texture and flavour

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A perfect low carbohydrate alternative to baking with traditional flours.

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Brazils boast an excellent nutrient profile, in particular they are high in Vitamin E and Selenium

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Delicately sweet, cashews are packed with with energy, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

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Coconut chips sliced, dried and toasted. Great as a healthy snack, especially when combined with fruit.

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Used in both sweet and savoury dishes, especially Indian and Asian cuisine, it adds texture and flavour to curries, baked products and confectionery.

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An excellent all round source of nutrients, particularly the B and E vitamins

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Lightly roasted to bring out their complex sweet flavours. A rich source of energy, and packed with various minerals and antioxidants

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Some nutrients and fibre are contained in the skins, so nuts with skins are considered to be slightly more beneficial to one's health.

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Extra large Peanuts without their skins. Tastier when roasted.

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Roasted to perfection, these peanuts make the perfect home made peanut butter, but of course we can save you the trouble!

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Pecans have a unique buttery taste and possess many nutrients, notably Vitamin E.

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Edible nuts from the pine trees of China which can take 50 years to reach production maturity. Commonly used to make Pesto or sprinkled on salads.

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Packed with vitamins and minerals. They can be eaten as a snack but are often used as an ingredient in desserts such as Baklava, or in ice cream and biscuits.

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Enriched with many nutrients. Just 25g a day can provide 90% of the recommended daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids.

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